Customer Search and Logs temporarily disabled
Incident Report for Vero
The cluster is now functioning correctly and we've re-enabled access in Vero. The team will continue to monitor for lingering issues.
Posted Apr 01, 2017 - 05:28 AEDT
Our team has had to manually repair data files for our customer search cluster. This is unfortunately a time consuming process but the repairs have been completed. We are now bringing the cluster back online.
Posted Apr 01, 2017 - 04:14 AEDT
It is taking us longer than we anticipated to return full access to our search cluster.

We have made progress and will post an ETA once we have a final idea of that timeline. Apologies for the inconvenience.

We also want to confirm that this only affects UI access to the Logs page, Customers pages and the ability to search for customers in the Vero web application. It does not affect segmentation, sends or our API in any way.
Posted Apr 01, 2017 - 00:09 AEDT
We are working to restore complete access to our customer search cluster.

We have identified the problem and are working toward a resolution as quickly as we can.

During this period, access to our Logs and Customer Search has been temporarily disabled. We will restore access once availability returns. If you have any urgent requests, please email and we will assist.
Posted Mar 31, 2017 - 19:02 AEDT